Trackside Support

Trackside Support is where DeVol Suspension started! The Pacific Northwest had not received any sort of trackside support until the early 1990’s. At this time, Ted DeVol set up his DeVol Racing race truck and motorcycle at the Washougal National’s. Ted was Washougal’s 1st Industry Vendor!

All of us at DeVol Engineering take huge pride in the equipment we work with, just like you take pride in the motorcycle you ride. We built our trackside support vehicles’ to accommodate anything from tire changes to suspension services or a full revalve and springs. DeVol comes prepared to take care of all rider skill level and motorcycles. We also carry an assortment of state of the art protective alloy products and anodized billet parts.

The goal of each DeVol Engineering Technician is to ensure that all DeVol Engineered Suspension riders can ride to the best of their potential without having to worry about their motorcycles handling performance.

DeVol Engineering Technicians’ have attended and raced every track in the Pacific Northwest. Not just one technician, but 3 are tearing up the tracks. This gives our customers the ability to discuss with us on what needs to improve. Our priority is to have a suspension technician that rides and races. If any of our 3 technicians see a problem with a current set up, we will pull the rider after the ride and make the changes to get it perfect!

Bring us your motorcycle at anytime to make sure set up is correct for the current track conditions.

We offer free set-up’s at any track you see us at!
(Sag and clicker settings for all tracks) Pics of us working at the track

$10 set up fee for customers without DeVol Suspension.

Tracks outside the Pacific Northwest we attend annually:
Ponca City, OK, Loretta Lynn’s, TN, Muddy Creek, TN, Glen Helen, CA, Canadian Nationals, Mini O’s, FL, Douglas and Rock Springs, WY and more!

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